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Free Support - First Things First

Understanding who you really are is the most essential of all knowledge. This knowledge is what ultimately allows you to reach your potential and live a richer, fuller and more abundant life.  

You can find a ton, maybe even more, of FREE support in this area of 'living your best life" on the Internet these days. In many ways, this is good. Very good. In many ways, it's not. It's only good if it's the right kind of support for you. It's very bad, in a myriad of ways, if it becomes just another thing you say 'yes' to that only serves to clogs up your life (and your inbox). 

This takes us right to Worthiness Rule #114 - Only say 'yes' to that which truly enhances your life. It must hold real meaning to you or it's a 'no'. 


Which leads me to Worthiness Rule #33 - Don't say yes to something just because it's free. You are way worthier than that. (Even if this is a area of grey to you right now, let's just agree to agree.)


Here's where I tell you why the first and most important thing you can do to help yourself in your life right now is to subscribe, (after you read this) to my FREE, Daily Notes from #YourWorthySelf.


The daily notes you will receive are not suggestions or whimsical theory, they are the principles for how you begin to set yourself free. 

Don't just take my word for it, click here to take a peek at what these notes are like and what other women have to say. 

Audio Lessons

The Power of Your Thoughts
Learn how changing your thoughts holds the potential to change the quality of your entire life. Stay for the LIVE Q&A at the end where we get REALLY personal about what it takes to finally believe that you are enough.

How to Figure Sh*% Out
Feeling stuck in your life or business because you can't figure something out. Tune in for some crazy empowerment and the number one thing you need to know about rescuing yourself. 

The Power Of Your Thoughts - Lori Fields, LCSW
How to Figure Shit Out - Lori Fields, LCSW
2 Ways to Show Up to Your Power - Unknown Artist

2 Ways to Show Up to Your Power in the New Year

2 strategies you need to learn before making any resolutions or setting goals. Plus, a surprising new way to re-think power so you can help yourself succeed.  

Are you tired of feeling stuck and not getting the life & love you really want?

If so, you might want to consider working with me privately. It's the fastest and most effective way to take control of the quality of your life.  Through our work, I'll help you understand how the worthiness factor is playing out in your everyday life and what powerful and simple shifts you can make right now to improve your relationships, make more money, overcome fear, manage your time and shape your life in a way that feels deeply meaningful and fulfilling.

Click here to learn more.

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