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Notes From #YourWorthySelf

These are not suggestions or whimsical theory, these are the principles for how you begin to set yourself free. 

It only matters what you do next.



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Learn how to get what you really want.


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You don't have to be sure.



Remember all those things you wanted.



Eliminate distraction.



"These notes are a life changer."  - Deb C.

You lead the way.



If you're scared then you're right where you need to be.



What if every loss was actually a gain?



Take yourself seriously.



Everything you want lies on the other side of believing you are enough.



All the things you're hiding are the exact same things that will set you free.



"These notes are so empowering. I want you to know they are making a real difference." - Amelia R.

Ask for it.



Be ridiculous.



Be careful of what you're used to.



It's okay to want more.



Prepare for it.



Find your purpose.



"These notes feel like you're talking just to me. They are so helpful and motivating." - Shari M.

You're not supposed to be like anyone else. You're supposed to be like you.



Focus only on what it is you came here to do.



When in doubt, love more.



It's in the doing that we change our life.



Give it everything.



Everything is here to help you find your way.



"Every woman should be subscribing to these notes. They are beyond powerful and life-changing. Lori knows exactly what she's talking about." - Phoebe F.

Love the work.



Stop suffering through.



Question what you've always believed.



Do whatever it takes to come alive.



Clarity is power.



It's in the doing that we change our life.



"I just wanted to let you know that these daily notes have changed my days. I love them." - Tena P.

It only matters what you do next.



What is it you've come here to do?



Do less, with more focus.



Expect good things.



Inside every moment is an opportunity to wake up.



Who you are right now matters.



"These daily notes get me through the tough days and make me smile. Who wouldn't want to wake up to positive affirmations every morning? It's like therapy in your inbox!”- Pam M.W.

Stop trying so hard.



Get strategic about your time.



Let yourself off the hook.



Sometimes the hardest way and the best way are the same.



Rock the boat.



Burn your ships.



"Your notes give me the strength and courage to give the best of me each day.”- Evelyn G.

Set the conditions for you to succeed.



Get the foundation right.



Let yourself believe.



Slow down.



Value yourself most.



Explore your range.



"Your daily notes are awesome Lori. I feel like I should be paying you for your inspiration and therapy”- Katie H.

No one is more deserving than you.



Don't give up.



Hack away at the inessential.



Trust your instinct, not your fear.



Say 'yes' only if it holds great meaning for you.



It's okay to say 'no' just because you want to.



Nothing good ever comes from making yourself feel bad.



What if life is giving you exactly what you need?



Extract the lesson.



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"Lori's words are always exactly what I need to hear. 
Priceless pearls that encourage & energize me."


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