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If you really want to see what you're capable of.

Every single outcome improves when your brain is in a positive state.

You might want to read this first statement again (and again).

If you really want to see what you're capable of, the work is all about your willingness to be in a great inner state with yourself.

This is possible even when you're having a terrible day because the goal isn't to "hurry up and feel better already," the goal is a deliberate choosing to feel good about yourself, no matter what.

Meaning, your ability to be in a solid and good place with yourself doesn't vacillate.

It's pretty radical (and wildly freeing).

Your brain in a postive state is capable of far more than when it's in neutral, negative or stressed.

Which leads us back to the initial statement....

Every single outcome improves when you're in a positive inner state with yourself.

(You might want to write out this last statement in a black sharpie and keep it somewhere you can see it daily.)

If you really want to see what you're capable of, try upping your game around how great you're willing to feel, right now, today, without needing a damn thing to change.

The irony is that this is exactly how things begin to change.

xx Lori

Willingness to feel damn good about your choices tells the real story of how worthy you feel of the outcome you crave.


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